And the guardians of
taste approached the
High King and spoketh!

2016 Irish Vodka Gold Medal Winner
Irish Whiskey Awards - Gold Medal

2013 Ultimate Spirits Challenge
93 Points
“Excellent, Highly Recommended”

2013 Ultimate Spirits Challenge
Great Value

2001 San Francisco World Spirits Competition
Silver Medal

2003 BTI International Review of Spirits
Silver Medal
88 “Highly recommended”

2007 San Francisco World Spirits Competition
Gold Medal
2007 International Wine & Spirits Competition
Bronze Medal
“Vodka Rocks, Top 10 Vodkas” 7/1/04
“Subtle, very smooth with a round, full mouth feel.”

The Robb Report
“Holiday Survival Guide” by Brett Anderson 3/1/05
“This quadruple-distilled vodka is as cool and bracing as the Irish spring water from which it is made.”

The Spirit Journal, September 2007
F. Paul Pacult
“Superb. Highly Recommended.”
“Impeccable purity; clear as mineral water. The initial whiffs detect pleasantly dry grainy and stone-like aromas; aeration stimulates subtle notes of grass, grain kernel, beans, and granite. Entry is clean, off-dry, and intensely grainy; the taste profile at midpalate reflects the stony/mineral quality more than the graininess. Ends on a tangy, spirity note that’s welcome and grainy sweet. Comes off more composed and focused than the previous incarnation.”

The Spirit Journal, 1999
F. Paul Pacult

Wine & Spirits
“Excellent, highly recommended. Gentle, delicately perfumed, clean and neutral… excellent on its own or in a martini.”

Wine Enthusiast
“Fresh, slightly bready aroma with pleasant grassiness. The body is mouth-coatingly syrupy and the palate is sharp, clean and peppery while retaining a nice neutrality, but with lots of character. The finish is warm and of medium length. A well-crafted vodka…”

2007 BTI International Review of Spirits
Silver Medal, 88 Points
“Highly Recommeded”

2007 Beverage Dynamics Advertising & Promotion Awards
First Place - Redesigned Label/Packaging
First Place - Print Campaign, Trade

2008 Wine Enthusiast
“Superb/Highly Recommended. Best Buy”
“The nosing passes find pleasantly dry, grainy and stone-like aromas with subtle notes of grass, grain kernel, beans and granite. Entry is clean, off-dry and intensely grainy; the mid-palate tastes are more stony/mineral and grainy. Ends on a grainy, sweet, tangy and spirity note.”
2008 Impact
“Hot Prospects” List

2008 World Beverage Competition
Platinum Medal

2010 BTI International Review of Spirits
Silver Medal, 87 Points
“Highly Recommended”
“Superb. Highly
F. Paul Pacult
The Spirit Journal,
September 2007